When God was delivering the children of Israel out of Egypt, on the night of the Passover He instructed every household to sacrifice a lamb, then take the blood and put it over their doorposts (see Exodus 12). The power of the enemy was going to be broken on that night, and in the morning two million people with different opinions, different likes and dislikes, and different habits were leaving Egypt in a mass exodus out of Pharaoh’s hands. Do you know what their common bond was? It was the blood on the doorposts that distinguished them as God’s people and allowed them to move out of Egypt and see the Red Sea parted. That was the power of oneness in their lives.
Do you know what is the common bond of the church of the living God, with all our different opinions and worship styles and rituals? We are bound together with the blood of Jesus Christ, and if we will stand together in that oneness, God will continue to part Red Seas, free us from our bondages, restore families, and redeem lives. If we are going to rise up to the levels that God is calling us to, we have to put our own agendas aside and do what the apostle Paul said: “I beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with long-suffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:1–3).
The Bible says when believers dwell together in unity, “there the Lord commanded the blessing—life forevermore” (Psalm 133:3). God has already commanded the blessing under the blood, and we need the commanded blessing if we’re going to make it through these difficult times. We need to let our differences and nitpicking go and stand together in the Spirit under that commanded blessing. We need to fight together for our faith, not fight with one another about our faith. It is only the love of God that brings people to the arms and saving power of Jesus Christ.
God is saying that it’s up to us to keep in unity and the bond of peace. That tells me that you and I must watch our words and attitudes and walk worthy of our calling under the blood of Jesus and stand humbly in God’s righteousness, not our own “rightness.” Jesus’ blood still forgives, still cleanses, still redeems, and still makes us righteous. Through the power of His blood we can break the power of darkness and show people the irresistible love of the Father!